Super Technologies

Procedure: An application for a patent must be filed only by the true owner. Every application for the patent to be on the prescribed form and contain a declaration to the effect that the applicant is in possession of the invention, the product should also be new & capable of industrial application. The application should fully describe the invention, disclose the invention, specification of product in legible form, Application Form should be signed, Drawings should be provided if any, end with defining the scope of the invention for which protection is claimed. The law requires each application to be in respect of one invention only or to be in respect of a group of inventions so linked as to form a single inventive concept & name and full address of the Applicant should also be provided.
Documentation: Under the Patents Ordinance, 2000, Rule 13(1) requires the filing of three copies of the text of the specifications in English on A4 or full scape sized paper having a margin of one and a half inches on all sides.
The specification should commence with the title of the invention and the name of the applicant and should be signed and dated by the applicant. Notarization is not required.
Drawings not included in the specification should be filed on tracing cloth on smooth white paper size 11-1/4 x 8-1/2 inches. The specification should describe by reference to drawings the particular features.
Publication: The application is accepted within 18 months. Extension up to 3 months is applied for beyond the permitted 18 months. If the application is not accepted within this period then it is deemed to have been refused. After acceptance the application is advertised in the Official Gazette for the purposes of inviting opposition to the grant of Letters Patent. If there is no opposition within four months from the date of publication of the acceptance, the application is sealed on payment of the sealing fee.
Renewal: Renewal fee is due annually, beginning with the 5th year of the patent term.