Super Technologies

::24th February 2006::
Feature = __Speed Dial Feature__
Deadline = Complete this by 25th Feb, 2006

Please design an interface where customers/admin can enter upto 10 speed dial (US Numbers). It’s like making a phone book, db driven, converting a 10 digit US number into a 2 digit shortcut (code).

For example, a customer dials 10 from his superphone and the system will first narrate the corresponding US number to the customer and then dial it for him.

All this is to be done via the AGI, the AGI would first identify the customer (with the accoutcode) and then look up the speedial table for the respective code & its complete number.


__How to use QuickDial :__

QuickDial facility is only available for devices 786 and 680.For using QuickDial you have to login from client side. At the "Welcome" screen click "QuickDial" link on the top-right corner. At the "Quick Dial Settings" screen you can set 10 QuickDial numbers from 0 to 9.

__How to set QuickDial Settings from admin side__

At the "View Order" screen click "Quick Dial Settings" link just below the "Client Side Login" link. At the "Quick Dial Settings" screen you can set 10 Quick Dial numbers from 0 to 9.