Super Technologies

Letter of the month

Well its been a few months since I wrote my last letter to all in the company, So Maybe this is my letter of the quarter, and I will try to make up for the last 3 months.

In the last 3 months, we have seen a lot of change in our company, we saw a few people leave and we have seen some new people come in and we have seen some taking the place of the old ones.

I must say that Shady’s leaving hurt me a lot emotionally, like most of you already, he is a great peer and beautiful human being in general. He is a sweet heart who can win any one’s heart and a really good human being.

He spoiled me, just like his father said that I spoiled him maybe .

Every time I think of him is like loosing my hand or something, but life must go on, and all we can do is pray and hope that he will achieve his dream’s in better way’s else where then with us.

Khalid is also moving on to his business of computers, and may allah help him achive his goal’s in life in better way.

In the past 19 years, I have worked with over 1000 peer’s , some sweet, some smart, some skilled, some not so skilled, but out of the 1000 some leave mark’s on your heart that are always there on you.

A great person told me “The world is like a port, where ship pass by, and so is our life, Some people come in to our lives, and quickly go away, some stay for a while and leave foot prints on our hearts and we are never the same”

Be aware that all those who have been with me have left there foot prints on my soul …

George Adams Said “ There is no such thing as a self-made man, we are all made up of thousands of others, Every one who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the makeup of our character and our thoughts, as well as our success.”

I want to honor today those who have been literally changed who I am today, those people include Faisal Rathod, a school colleage who worked with me a few years while I was still in school, who has always cared and respected me, no matter what I did.

Jamal Panhwar, who said to me that he admired me even when he had never met me for 2 years, and then worked as a GM and first peer in Pakistan for Super Tec.

Joanna Choulj, Who made our first company database, without asking and made us today who we are.

Ahmed Memon, who Jamal Hired and who changed the way and path and direction of our business.

Shahid Malik I have already mentioned above, I think he was the second Faisal in my life.

Ahmed, Jamal and Joanna totally changed our company, and the dynamics, and Ahmed specially gave a new meaning to my life, by being able to “HO JAAY GA” to my dreams and to my vision, and he gave me the power to be able to transform my thoughts into reality, and filled me up with passion to do more and more and stretch my self and him to the limit’s of making dream’s into reality.

I some times wish that I would have loved to have BUMPBED into him or some one like him 19 years a go and went into software development of anything which could have allowed me to do much more with my visions than what I did with hardware 19 years a go.

Dozens of more have come, worked, and left to there dream, like Hashmat, Fahad, Mohammad Ahmed, Danish, Umair, Khurram, Faiz, Furqan, Khalid Humayn., Dianne, Julie

Now I have you, My new Peer’s My soldier’s who are struggling with me in this small business where we are all trying to make a difference, with a purpose of not only feeding our selves, but to make a change for the world, to make the world a better place, to make it more livable, more lively, more closer to each other, and more friendly.

Many of the projects that boggle my head you all know about but a few are still there, that still are boggling my head and trying to burst out of my head and heart and do some extreme good for the humanity.

What I need from you now is to help me take these project’s

Project of TVpakistan which will then grow into worldtv where we can have any and all archives of all the world’s media broadcast archived. free wireless internet world wide service.

Egov project, including which is suppose to transform the way our governments work and give us facilities. which would change the world for the parent of the lost child.

All the above are funded by the businesses of making money that we do, that are didx, super phone, ip pabx, and super-phone project, super fax, vpl, call-x , xnum

I sent Arfeen the list of more developers that we need RIGHT NOW, to be able to complete the OPENED projects, and then we can lead to the un opened ones at the same time.

My passion has never been to make money, yes, I need money to live, we all do, you do, I do, but I have never had the greed to make a lot of it for my self, I do want to make a LOT of it, so I can give it back to the world that it came from, enabling others to make more of it, making the water equal on all sides of the world.

Remember one thing while u are a PEER in Supertec, this company can full fill your dream also, not just mine, so lets work together, and lets full fill our dreams and convert them to reality.

Share your dreams, lets make them all come true.

I want to thank all of you who are peer’s today with me in supertec, specially Suzanne, who has been an anchor with me in this for a long time now, Muneeb, Arfeen and Haroon bhai.

Imran you show that you care, and u are trying hard, and please be aware that you are appreciated, the 2 new kids in the office Rabia, and Sarmad, Learn from Arfeen and help him as much as you can.

God Bless you all.
