Super Technologies

!!Public Profile
Each user of Super Phone has a public profile, enabled by default. Public Profile has basic information of user and call me dialer, searchable by search engine.

!!!Call Me Dialer
Form this profile anyone can call to profile owner for free by using call me dialer, but profile owner will be charged for each call he receive.

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::Use case for call me dialer::

!!Buy Number
There are two options to purchase a number;

i. Search number or number prefix he wants to buy.
ii. Select a country and area to choose a number from list.

After customer chooses a number, there are three plans;

i. Pay As You Go.
ii. USA / Canada Unlimited Business Users.
iii. USA / Canada Unlimited Home User.

For any plan customer can select option to pay monthly or annually and can also order a device.

After order details, system will make invoice and will check customer fund.

i. If available amount of fund is less than invoice amount, customer will asked to add fund in order to complete the transaction.
ii. If available amount of fund is more than or equal to invoice amount. System will check number requirement;

a. Customer document are needed to buy this number. System will check if document already exist or give option to upload documents. Uploaded document need to approve by admin to complete the pending order.
b. Customer documents are not requiring. Customer can buy number without any approval.

Number will be added/not added in customer account accordingly.

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::Use Case diagram for buy number::

!!!Customer Profile
Profile contains following information of user;

i. Personal Information; First Name, Last Name and Email Address.
ii. Billing Address; Street, City, Zip, Country, Phone, Cell and Fax.
iii. Credit Card Information; Name, Type, Expiry Month, Expiry Year, Primary Card.
iv. Instant Messenger.

Customer can perform following task from profile;

__Update Email__
System will check email validity and send verification email to the new email address. Once customer confirms new email address, it would be updated.

__Update Password__
User will enter current password, new password and confirm new password. System will validate current password and update it.

__Update Address__
Customer can update his address; this address should be the credit card billing address.

__Add IM__
Customer can add an Instant Messenger (MSN, Yahoo, GTalk, iChat, ICQ) to receive call against his virtual number. Only one IM can be used for one number but all of them can be used for out going calls.

__Upload Document__
Customer can upload following documents;
i. Scanned Image of Credit Card
ii. Passport or Picture ID i.e. Driving License or National Identity Card
iii. Last Month’s Credit Card Bill showing Mailing Address and the Card Number. (Used to verify the authenticity of the Credit Card. Address showing in Credit Card Bill must be the same as the address provided in Customer Details)
Document would be approved by admin before any use.

__Add Credit Card Information__
Customer can add credit card information;
i. Credit Card Type (Visa, Master, American Express, Discovery).
ii. Credit Card Number.
iii. Credit Card Expiry (Month, Year).
iv. Credit Card Verification Code.

__Set Primary Credit Card__
Customer can set a Credit Card as primary.

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::Use case diagram for customer profile::

!!Try Free Number
Customer can once use a number as a free trail for 30 days with zero talk time and 5000 free incoming minutes.

There are three possibilities;

i. Account Approval Pending, account need to approve by admin.
ii. Customer has used trial number.
iii. Customer did not use trial number yet.
a. Three USA number are listed, customer can choose anyone of them.

After 30 days, free trial number will be removed from account, unless customer chooses to keep them by paying monthly changes. No document is needed for free trial number.

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Use case diagram for Try Free Number

!!Call Logs
Customer can see his call logs for all his DID Number. Following options are given;
i. From Date.
ii. To Date.
iii. DID Number (All or any one).
iv. Logs for All, Outgoing or Incoming

Call details have following information;
i. In/Out
ii. Call ID
iii. Call From
iv. Caller ID Name
v. Destination
vi. Status
vii. Call Date
viii. Start Time
ix. Duration (in minutes)
x. Unit Cost (in $)
xi. Bill Amount (in $)
xii. Per Minute changes after free minutes
xiii. Remaining free incoming minutes
xiv. Running balance.

!!Add Talk Time
Customer can add talk time (amount of $5, $10, $15, $20, $25) from his account balance for his DID Number to make calls. Talk time is shared among all DID Numbers of a customer.
System checks if desired amount is greater than account balance;
i. If account balance is greater than desired talk time, fund transfer from account balance to talk time.
ii. If account balance is less than desired talk time, system suggests adding fund in account balance.

!!Account Statement
Customer can see account statement, all transaction are listed with reference of invoice, Date, Description, Debit, Credit, running balance and Grant total.

!!Add Fund
Customer can add fund by following method;
i. Credit Card: this option is disabled by default, need to be enabled by admin otherwise customer can not pay using credit card.
ii. PayPal: this option also needs admin approval.

When user tries to pay from credit card there are following possibilities;
1. Credit card not found.
2. Credit card information is invalid.
3. Transaction successful.

!!Feature Manager

__Call Forwarding__
If customer has at least one Virtual Number, he can ON/OFF call forwarding. Call can be forwarded to;
i. Voicemail
ii. Phone Number

There are three situation options to forward call. Any option can be chosen by customer for his any virtual number;
i. Forward all calls
ii. Forward call when no answer from customer
iii. Forward call when received busy signals

__Voice Mail__
Voicemail can be enabled/disabled by customer for any virtual number he has. He can set time after which call switched to voicemail. Customer is provided password protected mail box for voicemails.

__Service Interruption__
Customer can enable automatic call forwarding for service interruption cases to a phone number or voicemail.

__TFTP Manager__
Device MAC Address
First Port
Second Port
System configure Linksys device automatically by its MAC address.
One virtual number can be set on each port, maximum two Virtual Numbers for each device.

__Caller ID Manager__
Customer can block anonymous incoming calls
Customer can turn on/off caller ID.

__Virtual Number Ringer__

__Call Waiting__
Customer can enable/disable call waiting for each his virtual number. This feature will work only if customer device support call waiting.

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::Use case diagram for Feature Manager::

!!General Information
Customer can remove his virtual number, this page also contains following information;

1. Phone Number
2. Customer Order ID
3. Customer Name
4. Made available for sale by
5. Setup changes
6. Incoming per minute after free minutes
7. Free minutes included
8. Billing plan
9. Voice mail
10. All calls
11. Busy signals
12. Monthly plan billing
13. Plan minutes remaining
14. Account talk time
15. Expiry date
16. Annual Plan billing
17. Plan minutes used
18. Port
19. Monthly changes
20. Cycle date of purchase
21. Number purchased date
22. Number type
23. No answer
24. Answer
25. SIP Domain
26. SIP User name
27. Annual bill
28. Plan setup price
29. Plan total minutes
30. Country / Area
31. SIP Password
32. Description
33. Plan cycle date
34. Alternate port

!!Mini Dialer
Customer can Supper Phone make a call from mini dialer. Mini dialer uses CarrierX APIs for outgoing calls and uses DIDX APIs for incoming calls.
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