here are the fields you need to look into any ata text configuration file, read my explanation after << marks
UIPassword:242574278 << this is the lock password
UseTftp:1 << get config from TFTP server
TftpURL: << this is the TFTP server address <<< SIP proxy server address
UID0:13602274898 <<< Phone 1 username
UID1:0 <<< phone 2 username
PWD0:ks54321 << phone 1 secret
PWD1:0 << phone 2 secret
SIPRegOn:1 << register to PRoxy Server
RxCodec:1 << 3 for g729, 0 for g723.1, 6 for g726, 2 for ulaw
TxCodec:1 << 3 for g729, 0 for g723.1, 6 for g726, 2 for ulaw
LBRCodec:0 << 3 for g729, 0 for g723.1, 6 for g726, 0 for ulaw
OpFlags:0x60000382 << keep it as it is for every cisco
I am sending you a zip file attached with this email which contain all the cisco files, unzip it and look for a file named ‘cfgfmt.exe’, first you need to create one text file for each cisco and then you need to convert the file into cisco readable format by using cfgfmt.exe
format of command is
c:\> cfgfmt -sip 000abcf217482.txt ata000abcf217482
notice this ata prefix in output filename and no extension of the file. now after conversion you can put that file on /tftpboot/ dir on, and reboot cisco ata, it will get config from and apply new configuration.
attached zip file also contain some of the original text files created for cisco ata’s, please look for all the above perameters and fix them accordingly.
Also see
* ((How to program Cisco ATA))
* ((How to unlock Cisco ATA))